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February 2nd-5th, 2022




What is PT in the Community All About

Mission:"To positively impact the local underserved communities that we visit for National PT Conferences." 


Traditionally with an emphasis in school-aged children and the homeless population.

2022 is all about the local community of San Antonio, TX

But keep on reading to see how the initiative can help your OWN community! 

For CSM 2022, our initiative will hopefully be the most successful yet! With a combination of efforts from previous years.

We will have THREE main components.

Helping underserved schools within the San Antonio Independent School District

Helping the underserved and discriminated populations of San Antonio

AND a continuation of virtual activities, bringing PT in the Community 
To YOUR Community!
Via a Team-Based Competition!


San Antonio Independent School District

This component is two-fold.

We intend to offer on-site volunteer opportunities at 5 local schools during the days of CSM. These on-site visits are meant to educate young students on health and wellness, and the profession of Physical Therapy, utilizing APTA's PT MOVE ME campaign materials.


Our funding will support schools in their equipment and supplies needs. With the intention to connect items with the profession of Physical Therapy. In the past we have purchased things like balance pads, resistance bands, bosu balls, kettle bells, agility ladders, etc.

Our partnering schools include:

Bowden Elementary

Lamar Elementary

Advanced Learning Academy

Hawthorne Academy

Underserved and Discriminated Populations of San Antonio

This component is two-fold.


We will be offering on-site volunteer opportunities during the days of CSM. In partnership with local shelters, including Haven for Hope and SAMMinistries, and working with the local organization, Street 2 Feet, that promotes health in mind, body, and spirit with individuals experiencing homelessness in San Antonio, using a walking/running 5k training model as medicine.

Our funding will provide supplies and items to put together care packages for individuals experiencing homelessness.  


Street 2 Feet events will be held Thursday, Friday, and Saturday morning (7:30AM-8:30AM)



In collaboration with PT PROUD, we will be hosting a YOGA FUNDRAISING and MENTORING EVENT to support the Thrive Youth Center, a local San Antonio LGBTQ+ shelter. 

FRIDAY February 4th, 1:30PM-2:30PM

Location TBD

PT in the Community Challenge

Game Plan

The 2022 PT in the Community Challenge is a team-based competition! Where teams will have the opportunity to earn points by bringing PT in the Community, no matter where you are or how you do it. 

The PT in the Community Challenge will officially run from Sunday January 9th, 2022 to Saturday February 5th, 2022, the last day of CSM in San Antonio, TX.  Each week during this period (4 of them) will have its' own theme. (Hint: the themes are the same as last year) 

The TOP 3 (maybe 4) winning teams will earn funds to support their own future local community initiative!!



Rules of the Game (Some of them)

Each team must have a minimum of 5 members.

Each team member must donate a minimum of $10.

Each team must identify (and explain in detail) a LOCAL community initiative they would like to support or start. 

Participating teams are encouraged to find new and innovative ways to engage the community in light of Covid-19.

For any engagement done in-person, remember that we are still in a pandemic. 

It does not matter if the challenge is completed virtually, in-person, or other, points will be awarded equally. 

Donate Time or Donate Dime

Donating Time means that you want to volunteer on site during CSM OR participate in 2022 PT in the Community Challenge!

Donating Dime means that you want to support community engagements that stimulate change, promote health, and promote physical therapy!

2022 PT in the Community 


The idea of “PT in the Community” came about in New Orleans, 2018, during CSM. A few of us decided to leave the conference center, the area of town all together, and went to a local school fundraiser. We spent time in the community, broke bread with them, danced with them, and donated to their cause. We then realized something that most of us probably already knew, but thought little about. And that is that thousands of us, upwards of 17 thousand, descend upon a city for a few days, but do little for the folks that actually live there. Yes, there have been a couple events geared towards donating money to a local cause, but nothing that facilitated real face-to-face interactions.

2019 was different. A spark was hit and a flame of passion was lit. A handful of us decided to pitch in and get supplies to distribute to the homeless of DC. Grabbing others along the way, we put together care packages containing soap, toilet paper, socks, gloves, protein bars, peanuts, sanitary wipes, bananas, oranges, and bottled water. A total of 36 bags were made and distributed, while also getting to learn a little from those that would share.

2020 was even better! Pre-pandemic of course. We raised over $7,000 with this grassroots effort. We secured equipment for 11 Denver Public Schools and provided educational sessions on health, physical activity activity, and physical therapy. We put together 320 care packages that went to multiple homeless shelters around Denver and served several hundred meals.

And even though CSM 2021 was entirely virtual, we kept things going! The PT in the Community Challenge was born and local communities across the country were provided financial assistance. We had 4 out of our 10 competing teams take back funding to support their local initiatives.  

Learn More About Our Supporters by
Clicking Their Logo!
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©PTintheCommunity 2021

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