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Thanks for your interest in signing up for the challenge!
We hope to provide you with enough information to get you excited about joining!

The PT in the Community Challenge will officially run from Sunday January 9th, 2022 to Saturday February 5th, 2022, the last day of CSM in San Antonio, TX.  Each week during this period (4 of them) will have its' own theme. (Hint: the themes are the same as last year) The challenges, based on these themes, will be released to team captains with plenty of time to be successful! Note that some of them may require some additional planning and foresight. 

Week 1: Are You a Role Model?

Week 2: How Healthy is Your Community?

Week 3: How Do You Engage Your Community?

Week 4: How Did You SERVE Your Community?

Point values for the challenges will be released when the challenges are released.  

Sign ups are to be completed by a team captain using this formBefore signing up a team we recommend you identify all of your members, remembering that you must have a total of 5 people. Every member is required to donate at least $10 to the initiative as an entrance fee. Donations are easily made here. Please identify your team's name when donating or simply let your captain know that you have donated. 

A portion of money raised, whether via team sign ups or other donations, will be distributed among the TOP 3 (maybe 4) winning teams. 1st place of course receiving more of the pot. These funds are strictly meant for future community initiatives or projects, which are required to be described in detail when signing up a team. 

©PTintheCommunity 2021

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